Monday 27 November 2017

Fss 30 Trading System

Tema: Poderoso 1 Min Scalping System EA Potente 1 Min Scalping System EA Este asesor experto se basa en la (plantilla final en el primer post) presentado por Canadian Dude en ForexFactory. Sigue estrictamente las reglas de este sistema. Tenga en cuenta que he añadido un segundo Heiken Ashi para tener el. El DoublecciWoody y Heiken Ashi Smoothed tienen que ser puestos en la carpeta de indicadores. Usted no necesita el SpudFibo, se ha integrado en el código de la EA. Debe modificar los ajustes del filtro de tiempo dependiendo de la ubicación de su agente. Se supone que StartHour es 3AM y EndHour. 11AM, ambos este tiempo. Para las personas que tienen un rango de tiempo que incluye 0 (medianoche), no es la versión. EL SERVICIO DE CIENCIAS FORENCIAS WETHERBY LABORATORIO, SANDBECK WAY, AUDBY LANE, WETHERBY, YORKSHIRE OCCIDENTAL, LS22 7DN INFORME FORENSE Oficial en el caso: Det. Supt Cliente Anterior: Policía de Leicestershire Referencias de la policía: 07/06085 Operación TAREA Referencia del laboratorio: 300 655 190 Referencia del pedido: 400 913 6069 Científico: Lesley Denton Número de páginas: 2 Re: Abducción de Madeleine McCann el 3 de mayo de 2007 Se obtuvo un perfil de ADN de las muestras de referencia de Kate HEALY (51162896) y Gerald McCANN (511622897). También se ha obtenido un perfil de ADN de una funda de almohada (SJM / 1). El perfil de ADN revela una serie de bandas, la mitad de las cuales un niño hereda de su madre natural (materna) y la mitad de las cuales hereda de su padre natural (paternal). En este caso, todas las bandas presentes en el perfil obtenido de la funda de almohada están representadas en los perfiles combinados de Kate HEALY y Gerald McCANN. Esto lo que yo esperaría encontrar en el perfil obtenido de la funda de almohada se originó de un niño natural de ellos. Los resultados del perfil de ADN obtenido de la funda de almohada es aproximadamente 29 millones de veces más probable si el perfil se origina de un hijo natural de ellos en lugar de alguien ajeno a ellos. En mi opinión, los resultados detallados anteriormente proporcionan un apoyo extremadamente fuerte para la opinión de que el perfil obtenido de la funda de almohada se origina de un niño natural de Kate HEALY y Gerald McCANN. Tenga en cuenta: Entiendo que los McCANN tienen una segunda niña. Por lo tanto, sigue siendo una posibilidad formal de que el ADN en la funda de almohada podría haber originado de ella como la genética sería en consonancia con los descritos anteriormente. Si puedo ayudarle o necesita una declaración de CJA, por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo en el laboratorio en 01937 548287. Lesley Ann Denton CIENTÍFICO FORENSE Fecha: 28 de junio de 2007 2282 FSS Documento con respecto a la destrucción de la muestra 2007.08.21 (Inglés) Carta Del Oficial de Investigación de Destrucción de Muestras del SFS. Stuart Prior A - Muestras Perecederas. Ciertas muestras constituyen un riesgo potencial para la salud. Con la aprobación del Ministerio del Interior, se ha decidido que tales muestras no serán sometidas a los tribunales a menos que la Defensa lo solicite específicamente. (Se trata de una extensión de los procedimientos para la eliminación de muestras de sangre previamente acordadas por el Lord Chief Justice, el Director del Ministerio Público y el ex Jefe del Magistrado Metropolitano El laboratorio ha examinado una o más de las muestras que se enumeran a continuación. Ser devuelto a usted pero será destruido a su debido tiempo a menos que la Defensa nos solicite para preservarlos Usted debe notificar a los abogados de la Defensa de acuerdo con las circulares 40/73 y 74/82 del Ministerio del Interior que permiten un período de 21 días en el cual El demandado o su representante legal deberá presentar una notificación por escrito al laboratorio para evitar que se destruyan las muestras - muestras de sangre - muestras de saliva - hisopos de los orificios corporales - otros hisopos con material potencialmente peligroso - vómito, heces , Orina, etc. La lista anterior incluye muestras personales perecederas, cuya destrucción se requiere en la Sección 64 de la Ley de Policía y Evidencia Criminal (1984) B - Muestras no perecederas La destrucción de otras muestras personales no perecederas es Requerido por la Sección 64 de la Ley de Policía y Prueba Criminal. Estos incluyen: - Control de las muestras de cabello de la cabeza. - Control de las muestras de vello púbico. - Muestras de uñas de los dedos. - Casts - por ejemplo de dientes o pies. Excepto por debajo, las muestras personales no perecederas son devueltas a usted como partes de exhibiciones para la producción en la corte, etc. El laboratorio no es responsable de su destrucción. La parte de estas muestras que fueron removidas para su examen, será retenida por el laboratorio durante el período de tiempo especificado en el MOU para Materiales Retenidos (3, 7 o 30 años) a partir de la fecha de esta notificación para permitir el acceso a otros legítimos fiestas. Después de este período, a falta de instrucción escrita en sentido contrario, las muestras retenidas serán destruidas y se hará un registro de su destrucción. Dado el 21 de agosto de 2007. Página uno de uno 2287 a 2288 Reporte forense re Amelia Sean muestras de ADN 2007.07.18 (Inglés) EL SERVICIO DE CIENCIAS FORENSE WETHERBY LABORATORIO, SANDBECK WAY, AUDBY LANE, WETHERBY, WEST YORKSHIRE, LS22 7DN Oficial en el caso: Policía de Leicestershire Referencias de la policía: 07/06085 Operación TAREA Referencia del laboratorio: 300 655 190 Referencia del pedido: 400 922 755 Científico: Lesley Denton Número de páginas: 2 Re: Abducción de Madeleine McCann el 3 de mayo de 2007 A El perfil de ADN se obtuvo a partir de las muestras de referencia de Amelie Eve McCANN (SBM / 2) y Sean Michael McCANN (SBM / 3). En este caso, todas las bandas presentes en los perfiles de Amelie McCANN y Sean McCANN están representadas en los perfiles combinados de Kate HEALY y Gerald McCANN. Esto es lo que esperaría encontrar si Amelie McCANN y Sean Michael McCANN eran sus hijos naturales. Ni el perfil de ADN de Amelie McCANN ni Sean McCANN coincide con el de la funda de almohada (SJM / 1) y por lo tanto en mi opinión, ni Amelie McCANN ni Sean McCANN pueden ser la fuente de este perfil. Si puedo ser de más ayuda o requiere una declaración de CJA por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo en el laboratorio en 01937 548287. Lesley Ann Denton CIENTÍFICO FORENSE Fecha: 28 de junio de 2007 2617 a 2623 Correo electrónico de Stuart Re: análisis FSS (Inglés ) Y la traducción al portugués) Tarea Portugal De: Enviado: 04 Septiembre 2007 10:14 Asunto: FW: Tarea Operativa - en Confianza De: Lowe, Sr. JR mailto: John. Lowe fss. pnn. police. uk Enviado: 03 septiembre 2007 15:01 A: stuart. prior leicestershire. pnn. police. uk Asunto: Op Task - In Confidence En primer lugar, aquí están los últimos tres resultados que usted espera Un resultado incompleto del ADN se obtuvo a partir de material celular en el hisopo 3a. El hisopo contenía muy poca información y mostraba indicaciones de bajo nivel de ADN de más de una persona. Sin embargo, todos los componentes de ADN confirmados dentro de este resultado coinciden con los componentes correspondientes en el perfil de ADN de Madeline McCann. El perfil de ADN de LCN es altamente sensible, no es posible atribuir este perfil de ADN a un fluido corporal particular. No hay evidencia que apoye la opinión de que Madeline MCCann aportó ADN al hisopo 3B. Se obtuvo un complejo resultado de ADN de LCN que parecía haberse originado de al menos tres personas a partir de material celular recuperado del compartimento de equipaje 286C 2007 CRL10 (2) área 2. Dentro del perfil de ADN de Madeline McCann hay 20 componentes de ADN representados por 19 Picos en un gráfico. En una de las áreas del ADN examinamos rutinariamente que Madeleine ha heredado el mismo componente de ADN de ambos padres, esto aparece por lo tanto como 1 pico en lugar de 2, por lo tanto 19 en lugar de 20. De estos 19 componentes 15 están presentes en el resultado de este elemento allí Son 37 componentes en total. Hay 37 componentes porque hay al menos 3 contribuyentes, pero podría haber hasta cinco contribuyentes. En mi opinión, por lo tanto, este resultado es demasiado complejo para una interpretación / inclusión significativa. Bueno vamos a mirar la pregunta que se está preguntando Sería muy simple de decir simplemente por el número de componentes dentro del resultado que también están en su muestra de referencia. Lo que tenemos que considerar, como científicos, es si el partido es genuino y legítimo porque Madeline ha depositado ADN como resultado de estar en el coche o si Madeline simplemente parece coincidir con el resultado por casualidad. Los componentes individuales en el perfil de Madeline no son únicos para ella, es la combinación específica de 19 componentes que hace que su perfil sea único por encima de todos los demás. Los elementos del perfil de Madeline también están presentes dentro de los perfiles de muchos de los científicos aquí en Birmingham, incluido yo mismo. Es importante destacar que 50 del perfil de Madeline se compartirán con cada uno de los padres. No es posible en una mezcla de más de dos personas, determinar o evaluar qué componentes específicos del ADN se emparejan entre sí. Es decir, no podemos separar los componentes en 3 perfiles de ADN individuales. Por lo tanto, no podemos responder a la pregunta: es el partido genuino o es un partido de azar. Lo mismo se aplica a cualquier resultado que se cita como demasiado complejo para la inclusión significativa / interpretación ¿Qué preguntas nunca vamos a ser capaces de responder con LCN ADN perfilado - Cuando se depositó el ADN - ¿Cómo se depositó el ADN - La DIVA es originaria de - Fue un crimen cometido - Estos, junto con todos los demás resultados, serán formalizados en un informe final Por favor, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si necesita más ayuda amables saludos John John Lowe Forense Scientis t Incidentes Principales Equipo Priory House Inter Facilidad: 703 6973 Externo: 0121 607 6973 Fax: 0121 6221807 Por favor tenga en cuenta el medio ambiente antes de imprimir este correo electrónico Forensic Science Service Ltd Sede social y sede: Trident Court 2920 Solihull Parkway, Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham B37 7YN Reino Unido . Registrado en Inglaterra y Gales: número 5607780 El Servicio de Ciencias Forenses (r) es un nombre comercial de Ciencia Forense FUENTE: Processo 10 - VOLUME Xa PDF página 160-165 Archivo de caso páginas 2653-2658. INFORME FORENSE Oficial en el caso: D / Supt PRIOR Cliente: Estación de Policía de Nuevos Parques, Policía de Leicestershire Referencia de la policía: Operación Tarea Referencia del laboratorio: 300 655 190 Referencia del pedido: 400 932 184 Científico: JOHN ROBERT LOWE Número de páginas: 6 Re: De Madeleine McCann En este informe se resumen los resultados de las pruebas de perfiles de ADN realizadas en varias muestras presentadas al laboratorio de Birmingham del Servicio de Ciencias Forenses (R) de la Policía de Leicestershire en representación de la Policia Judiciaria y del Laboratorio De Policia Científica el 7 Agosto 2007 Este informe está marcado a la atención del Detective Superintendente Prior sin embargo entiendo y acepto que el contenido de este informe será compartido con las autoridades necesarias en Portugal. He recibido de mi colega Sarah Vraitch copias de los perfiles de ADN de referencia de Gerald McCann (CB / 1), Kate Healy (CB / 2), Amelie McCann (SBM / 2) y Sean McCann (SBM / 3). También he recibido una copia del perfil de ADN obtenido de la posible tinción de saliva en la funda de almohada (SJM / 1) que se supone que es el perfil de ADN de Madeleine McCann. Un resultado incompleto débil del ADN que consistió en solamente algunos componentes no confirmados del ADN fue obtenido a partir del material celular en el hisopo (3A) del piso del apartamento. Un intento de obtener un perfil de ADN de cualquier material celular sobre el hisopo húmedo (3B) de la misma área no tuvo éxito en que no se obtuvo ningún perfil. Se obtuvieron resultados de ADN débiles e incompletos, que consistían en sólo unos pocos componentes de ADN no confirmados, obtenidos a partir de material celular en los hisopos húmedos y secos (14A B de la parte posterior del sofá), un resultado de ADN débil e incompleto que mostró indicios de haber nacido de más de Una persona se obtuvo a partir de material celular en el hisopo seco (15A) de la parte posterior del sofá Un resultado de ADN que parecía haber sido originado por al menos tres personas y que parecía haber sido originado por al menos dos hombres que habían contribuido a la mayoría Del ADN se obtuvo a partir de material celular obtenido a partir del hisopo húmedo del sofá (15B), en mi opinión no hay evidencia que apoye la opinión de que Gerald McCann o Madeline McCann contribuyó con el ADN a este resultado. Se obtuvo un débil resultado de ADN incompleto que consistió en sólo unos pocos componentes de ADN no confirmados a partir de material celular recuperado de los bordes del azulejo 2 286/2007-CRL (2) desde el piso del apartamento. Un intento de obtener un perfil de ADN a partir de cualquier material celular recuperado de otra zona del mosaico 2 y dos áreas del mosaico 3 (286/2007-CRL (3) no tuvo éxito porque no se obtuvieron perfiles. De sólo dos componentes de ADN no confirmados se obtuvo a partir de material celular recuperado del dobladillo de una de las cortinas azules 286A / 2007-CRL (16 (2)) del apartamento. Un intento de obtener un perfil de ADN de cualquier material celular recuperado de una Del componente de equipaje de plástico (286C / 2007-CRL (10 (2))) del vehículo de motor no tuvo éxito ya que no se obtuvieron perfiles de ADN Un resultado mixto de bajo nivel de ADN que parecía haber sido originado por al menos dos personas fue Obtenido a partir de una segunda área del componente de equipaje de plástico (286C / 2007-CRL (10 (2))) del vehículo de motor, lo que, en mi opinión, es demasiado complejo de interpretar en esta etapa. A partir de al menos tres personas se obtuvo a partir de material celular recuperado del componente de equipaje revestido con fibra (286C / 2007-CRL (10 (1))) del vehículo de motor. En mi opinión este resultado es demasiado complejo para interpretar en esta etapa. Se obtuvo un perfil de ADN incompleto de bajo nivel que coincidió con los componentes correspondientes en el perfil de ADN de Gerald McCann a partir de material celular en la tarjeta clave (286C / 2007-CRL (12)). Esta muestra no ha sido enviada para pruebas adicionales usando pruebas de perfiles de ADN LCN. Se obtuvieron resultados de ADN incompletos de bajo nivel, que en ciertas circunstancias mostraron una contribución de ADN de más de una persona a partir de material biológico en los siguientes hisopos: 286A / 2007 CRL 14a, 14b, 15a el hisopo del dobladillo de la cortina 286A / 2007 CRL 16 cortina 2 los hisopos de las piezas de azulejos 286/2007 CRL 2 áreas 1 y 2 y 3 área 1. En mi opinión no hay evidencia para apoyar la opinión de que cualquier persona de la familia McCann contribuyó su ADN a los resultados. Un intento de obtener un resultado de ADN LCN de cualquier material celular en el hisopo del área uno de la sección del compartimiento de equipaje (286C / 2007 CRL 10) no tuvo éxito en que no se obtuvo ningún perfil. Un resultado de ADN de LCN incompleto que parecía haberse originado de un macho se obtuvo a partir de material celular del hisopo (286A / 2007 CRL 1a b). El perfil no coincidía con ninguno de los previamente probados en este caso. Un resultado de ADN de LCN incompleto que parecía haberse originado de una hembra se obtuvo a partir de material celular procedente del hisopo (286A / 2007 CRL 4a b). El perfil no coincidía con ninguno de los previamente probados en este caso. Se obtuvo un resultado de ADN de LCN incompleto que parecía haberse originado a partir de un macho a partir de material celular del hisopo (286A12007 CRL 9a b) Se obtuvieron resultados de ADN de LCN mezclados que parecían haberse originado de al menos dos personas a partir de material celular recuperado de los hisopos (286A / 2007 CRL 2a b) en mi opinión no hay pruebas que respalden la opinión de que cualquiera de los miembros de la familia McCann aportó ADN a su resultado. Los intentos de obtener un resultado de ADN LCN de cualquier material celular en los hisopos 286A / 2007 CRL 11a, posiblemente debido a la ausencia de suficiente ADN de buena calidad. Los resultados del ADN LCN que contenían muy poca información para interpretación significativa se obtuvieron a partir de material celular sobre los hisopos 286A / 2007 CRL 6a 11). Un intento de obtener un resultado de ADN LCN de cualquier material celular sobre los hisopos de las tejas 1, 2 3 no fue exitoso en el sentido de que no se obtuvo ningún perfil de ADN. Un resultado de ADN de LCN que contenía poca información para interpretación significativa se obtuvo a partir de material celular sobre el hisopo de la baldosa (286/2007 CR / L 9). Los resultados de ADN de LCN de bajo nivel se obtuvieron a partir de material celular sobre los hisopos de los azulejos (286/2007 CR / L 4 12). En mi opinión, no hay pruebas que apoyen la opinión de que cualquiera de la familia McCann contribuyó con el ADN a estos resultados. Se obtuvo un resultado de ADN incompleto a partir de material celular en el hisopo (286A / 2007 CRL 3a). El hisopo contenía muy poca información y mostraba indicaciones de bajo nivel de ADN de más de una persona. Sin embargo, todos los componentes de ADN confirmados dentro de este resultado coinciden con los componentes correspondientes en el perfil de ADN de Madeline McCann. LCN perfil de ADN es muy sensible no es posible atribuir este perfil de ADN a un fluido corporal en particular. Se obtuvo un resultado de ADN de LCN de bajo nivel a partir de material celular sobre el hisopo (286A / 2007 CRL 3b). En mi opinión, no hay pruebas que apoyen la opinión de que Madeleine McCann contribuyó con el ADN a este resultado. Un resultado complejo de ADN de LCN que parecía haberse originado de al menos tres personas se obtuvo a partir de material celular recuperado de la sección de compartimento de equipaje 286C 2007 CRL10 (2) zona 2. En mi opinión este resultado es demasiado complejo para una interpretación significativa. Se examinaron las cortinas (286A / 2007 - CR / L 16 y 16B) y la pieza de cortina blanca (286B / 2007 - CR / L 1) y los fragmentos de arbustos (286/2007 CR / L 21) para determinar la presencia de sangre. No se encontró sangre. Los pequeños fragmentos de azulejos y bolsas de polvo y pegamento de cemento (286/2007 CR / L 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 20) no fueron examinados en el laboratorio. Si puedo ser de más ayuda por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo en el laboratorio. Atentamente, JOHN ROBERT LOWE BSc CBiol NliBiol RFP Fecha: 6 de septiembre de 2007 Processos Vol X Páginas 2659 - 2660 Nota: Este es un anexo al informe Lowe de fecha 6 de septiembre de 2007. En inglés. Registro de Exámenes Forenses del Servicio de Ciencias Forenses Referencia del cliente: 07/06085 Referencia del Laboratorio: 300 655 190 Referencia del Pedido: 400 932 184 Nota de identificación para este documento: JRL / FER / 1 NOTA: El trabajo fue realizado por asistentes capacitados usando procedimientos establecidos. Un expediente completo de la contribución hecha por los asistentes se encuentra en el expediente, que comprende las notas hechas en el momento del examen. Número de ayudantes utilizados: 29 Si los asistentes utilizados indican por favor. Nombre Breve información sobre los trabajos realizados Bonney A, Chin C., Thomas D, Chrities E, Hutchin J, Sohat K, Pelleymounter L, Dhillin M, Doran R, Hetherington R, Waheed R, Taylor GL, Briscombe HL Hodson JA, Deighton JA, Halton KJ, Naughton, LM, O Brien MJ, Fairless NLM, Day RG, Riley SC, Hobson S, Schofield SA, Khan S, Leadbeater R, Parkes S, Grange F, Evans M, Harris M, Pryor S y Fergusson Hunter. A, Bartlett R, examen general y toma de notas: Coniry L, Cowdry D, Shaw LM, Shaw KH. Reglas de Procedimiento Penal 27 1 (1) Ley de Justicia Penal de 1967 9 Ley de la Corte de Magistrados 1980 s B Identifico esta exhibición como la mencionada en la declaración hecha y firmada por mí. Nombre: John Robert Lowe Para uso de la corte solamente: Rv Número de la exhibición Fecha firmada Juez de paz / secretario de la corte Processos Vol X Página 2660 El Servicio de Ciencia Forense Experto Índice de material no utilizado Referencias FSS. 300 655 190/400 932 184 Índice compilado por John Robert Lowe BSc Cbiol MIBiol RFP La siguiente es una lista de material no utilizado en posesión de los Servicios de Ciencia Forense y que está siendo gestionado en este caso por el experto arriba mencionado Se considerará NO SENSIBLE, a menos que exista una bandera específica que sugiera que puede ser SENSIBLE). La lista se proporciona de acuerdo con las directrices dadas en Divulgación: evidencia de expertos y material no utilizado. Folleto de Orientación para Expertos. Número Descripción del material 1. NOTAS DE CASOS realizadas en el momento del examen de los artículos: proporcionar detalles de las fechas de los exámenes detalles del embalaje y la integridad de los artículos registros del trabajo realizado sobre los artículos, De controles de calidad Ubicación: Expedientes de casos. 2. PROYECTOS DE INFORMES borradores electrónicos y / o impresos de los informes de las declaraciones enviadas al Equipo de la Fiscalía. Ubicación: Archivos de casos. 3. DOCUMENTOS ADMINISTRATIVOS hojas de registro de tiempo, cálculos de casos, notas de entrega, facturas, registros de consultas con clientes relacionados con los costos, etc. Expedientes del caso. 4. REGISTROS de material presentado, pero no examinado, de material examinado pero relacionado con sospechosos no incluidos en informes o declaraciones de trabajo realizado por terceros, incluyendo los resultados de procedimientos y técnicas utilizados durante los exámenes. Ubicación: Archivos de casos. 5. MATERIALES RETENIDOS, material de artículos (lista), Pelos recuperados de los fragmentos de arbustos, grabados de las cortinas, CDs de fotos suministrados desde Portugal, DVD de examen de escena suministrado desde Portugal, Fotografías y CD de mancha LMG sobre teja 286 / 2007 CR / L 5. Ubicación: Archivos de casos. 6. INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL en forma de mapas, planos, fotografías, vídeos relativos a la escena del delito, detalles del modus operandi, detalles de los delitos conexos. Ubicación: Expedientes completados por John Robert Lowe BSc Cbiol MIBiol Firma de RFP (copia sin firmar) Devolución de muestras. Referencias cruzadas a los informes Lowe (finales) y Palmer: Entrega 286: 24 artículos enumerados - Todos los referenciados en Lowe (final) - Artículos 1-20 todo No perecederos No se ha encontrado registro de su devolución a PT - Artículos 21-24 Perecedero - perfiles obtenidos a partir de 3 arbustos infructuosos. Entrega 286A: 33 artículos enumerados - Todos los referenciados en Lowe (final) - Artículos 1-15 A - Artículos 1-13 y 15 no perecederos: y registro de su retorno a PT. Resumen general: - 92 artículos enumerados - 90 artículos referenciados en los dos informes - 35 artículos perecederos, presumiblemente consumidos, almacenados o destruidos según las reglas del SFS - 33 artículos no perecederos: registro de su declaración - 24 artículos no perecederos: ningún registro Encontrado de su vuelta - 3 artículos no probados - 2 artículos no referenced en cualquier informe (286C: 13 y 15). Pregunta: ¿Existen otros registros de devolución para entregas 286 (20 artículos), 286A (3 artículos) y 286B (1 artículo) - 3472 - Carta 7 noviembre 2007 (en inglés) al Director del FSS con respecto a las fibras encontradas en Renault Scenic 3473 - Versión en portugués de la página 3472 13 Procesos Vol. XIII Página 3472 a 3473 Carta en inglés (la versión PT está en la página 3473) La carta se repite en la página 3488, mostrando la firma de Lowe de recepción, 29-07) N 201 / 07.OGALGS Inspector: Joao Carlos Asunto: Desaparición del niño británico, Madeleine Beth McCann. Solicitud de examen forense Esta investigación investiga la desaparición de la niña británica Madeleine Beth McCann, ocurrida el 3 de mayo de 2007 en Praia da Luz, Lagos. Con motivo del examen del vehículo gris metálico Renault Scenic, que lleva la matrícula 59-DA-27. Se recolectaron posibles fibras en diferentes áreas del automóvil que fueron entregadas a su laboratorio forense por medio de la nota de entrega n 286C / 2007. CR / L. Pedimos amablemente que el material recogido sea utilizado para realizar el análisis e identificación de posibles fibras, así como su comparación con un pijama de dos piezas similar al que llevaba el niño en el momento en que desapareció. Se adjunta a esta carta oficial, para los fines mencionados, el pijama de dos piezas a que se refiere el párrafo anterior (Nota de Entrega n 397/2007-CR / L). Investigación Criminal Coordinador Superior 3578 a 3582 Lista de vestigios recogidos de 5A y examinados por el FSS 3583 a 359 0 Versión final propuesta en inglés de las páginas 3940-3949 más e-fit de 13-Processos Vol XIII Páginas 3578 a 3590 13-Vol XIII páginas 3940 A 3948 El mismo texto también en. (Nota: No hay fecha para esta correspondencia, ni hay una referencia a quién se dirige). a. El 3 de mayo de 2007, en circunstancias desconocidas, un niño - Madeleine Beth McCann - desapareció del apartamento que estaba compartiendo con sus padres, hermanos y hermanas, en el centro vacacional - Club del Océano -. Situado en Praia da Luz, Lagos. En una primera etapa de la investigación, frente a la desaparición, si consideramos que el niño podría haber salido del apartamento por su cuenta y haberse perdido en el área, la teoría del rapto fue la que logró más consistencia, En parte debido a las sospechas de los padres. Después de la intervención de la policía, las búsquedas comenzaron a avanzar y se amplió progresivamente a un área cada vez más lejana, con la participación de equipos de búsqueda de perros y numerosos recursos humanos. Durante esa etapa de la investigación, el equipo fue buscado por miembros del Equipo de Escena del Crimen del Laboratorio de Policía Científica de la Policía Criminal de la Policía Criminal Portuguesa y se recogieron muestras. Esas muestras, a saber, el cabello y una mancha de esperma, fueron enviadas al Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal (INML) para ser analizadas teniendo en cuenta el perfil de ADN del niño desaparecido - que se había proporcionado-, así como uno de sus padres y Los de amigos que pertenecían a un grupo común, y que acudieron al mencionado complejo turístico siguiendo arreglos previos entre ellos. Después de las pruebas forenses realizadas en el INML, se obtuvieron algunos ADN que unían perfiles de algunas personas dentro del grupo de amigos, a los perfiles de los padres del niño e incluso a los perfiles de otras personas en el sitio. Hasta este momento, también se obtuvieron perfiles de ADN mitocondrial no identificados. Por otra parte, fue posible definir el perfil autosómico de STR de la mancha de esperma detectada en la colcha de una de las camas del dormitorio de donde el niño desapareció. Ya se ha comprobado que no hay coincidencia entre el perfil genético obtenido y el perfil de las distintas muestras de referencia, que incluyen las de los padres, amigos y otros. Por lo tanto, ese perfil de ADN ahora se está enviando a usted, por lo que se puede insertar en su base de datos, con la solicitud de que verifique si coincide con cualquiera de los perfiles genéticos de 3 ciudadanos británicos que se habían quedado en el apartamento en cuestión, antes Los McCann comenzaron a utilizar ese apartamento el 3 de mayo de 2007. Así, y teniendo en cuenta las muestras presentadas, cuál informe preliminar ya nos ha sido enviado, y con el fin de proporcionar un mejor esquema y clasificación, se indican los datos y las circunstancias De esa colección de muestras. Además, también adjuntamos algunas preguntas cuyas respuestas quisiéramos incluir en su informe final. Esperamos recibirlo y agradecemos que nos lo envíen lo antes posible. B) Muestras recogidas en el salón del apartamento 5A, bloque A, Ocean Club, localidad turística - Praia da Luz, Lagos, el 1 de agosto de 2007, tras el examen efectuado por un equipo de perros especialistas británicos. Nota de entrega no. 1. Piezas de azulejo número 1. 2. Piezas de azulejo número 2. 3. Piezas de azulejo número 3. 4. Piezas de azulejo número 4. 5. Piezas de azulejo identificado junto al azulejo Número 1. 6. Piezas de zócalo número 1. 7. Piezas de zócalo número 2. 8. Piezas de zócalo identificadas entre zócalos 2 y 3. 9. Piezas de zócalo número 3. 10. Piezas de zócalo Número 4. 11. Piezas del zócalo identificadas al lado del zócalo 1. 12. Piezas del zócalo se identifican junto al zócalo 4. 13. Residuos / pequeños fragmentos de la zona de los zócalos recogidos. 14. Residuos / pequeños fragmentos de los azulejos recogidos. 15. Lechada existente entre los azulejos y el área superior de los azulejos recogidos. 16. Lechada existente alrededor de la baldosa 1. 17. Lechada existente alrededor de la baldosa 2. 18. Tierra existente alrededor de la baldosa 3. 19. Lechada existente alrededor de la baldosa 4. 20. Residuos de azulejos, pegamento de cemento y lechada existente en la zona desde donde Se recogieron los azulejos. 21. Fragmentos de arbustos. También se añaden hisopos de boca recogidos de los examinadores de escena de crimen mencionados más abajo. Esos examinadores llevaron a cabo las colecciones de muestras destinadas a identificar posibles contaminaciones. 22. Dos hisopos bucales de Fernando José Silva Viegas. 23. Dos hisopos bucales de Lino Manuel Lima Henriques. 24. Dos hisopos bucales de Bruno Jorge P Ossidonio Mendes Antunes. B) Muestras recogidas en el salón del apartamento 5A, bloque A, Ocean Club, localidad turística, Praia da Luz, Lagos, el 3 de agosto de 2007, tras el segundo examen efectuado por un equipo británico de perros especialistas (Nota de entrega no 286B / 2007-CR / L): 1. Un pedazo de tela de cortina blanca junto a una ventana en la sala de estar. C) Muestras recogidas en el salón del apartamento 5A, bloque A, complejo turístico Ocean Club, Praia Da Luz, Lagos, el 4 de agosto. 2007, tras el segundo examen llevado a cabo por un equipo británico de perros especialistas (Nota de entrega nº 286A / 2007-CR / L): 1A. Mancha en el suelo recolectada usando un hisopo seco. 1B. Mancha en el suelo recolectado usando un hisopo, mojado con agua destilada. 2A. Mancha en el suelo recolectada usando un hisopo seco. 2B. Mancha en el suelo recolectado usando un hisopo, mojado con agua destilada. 3A. Mancha en el suelo recolectado demandando un hisopo seco. 3B. Mancha en el suelo recolectado usando un hisopo, mojado con agua destilada. 4A. Mancha en el suelo recolectada usando un hisopo seco. 4B. Mancha en el suelo recolectado usando un hisopo, mojado con agua destilada. 5A. Mancha en la pared con un hisopo seco. 5B. Mancha en la pared recogida con un hisopo mojado con agua destilada. 6A. Mancha en el suelo recolectada usando un hisopo seco. 6B. Mancha en la pared recogida con un hisopo mojado con agua destilada. 7A. Mancha en el suelo recolectada usando un hisopo seco. 7B. Mancha en la pared recogida con un hisopo mojado con agua destilada. 8A. Mancha en el suelo recolectada usando un hisopo seco. 8B. Mancha en la pared recogida con un hisopo mojado con agua destilada. 9A. Mancha en el suelo recolectada usando un hisopo seco. 9B. Mancha en la pared recogida con un hisopo mojado con agua destilada. 10 A. Mancha en el suelo recolectada usando un hisopo seco. 10B). Mancha en la pared recogida con un hisopo mojado con agua destilada. 11A. Mancha en el suelo recolectada usando un hisopo seco. 11B. Mancha en la pared recogida con un hisopo mojado con agua destilada. 12A. Mancha en el suelo recolectada usando un hisopo seco. 12B. Mancha en la pared recogida con un hisopo mojado con agua destilada. 13A. Mancha en el suelo recolectada usando un hisopo seco. 13B. Mancha en la pared recogida con un hisopo mojado con agua destilada. 14 A. Mancha en la parte trasera de un sofá recogido con un hisopo seco. 14B. Mancha en la pared detrás de un sofá recogido con un hisopo mojado con agua destilada. 15A. Mancha en la parte trasera de un sofá recogido con un hisopo seco. 16. Dos cortinas hechas de tela azul. 16B. Una cortina de tela blanca y una corbata de color azul. d) Samples collected in the metallic grey Renault Scenic vehicle, number plate 59-Da-27, on August 6th, 2007, following the second examination carried out by a British specialist dog team (Delivery note no. 286C/2007-CR/L): 1A. Head hair collected from the driver - s seat. 2A. Head hair collected to the right of passenger - s seat. 2B. Head hair collected from the floor next to the right front passenger - s seat. 3. Head hair collected between the front seats. 4A. Head hair collected from the left area of the back seat. 5A. Head hair collected from the middle area of the back seat. 6A. Head hair collected from the right area of the back seat. 7A. Head hair collected from the left seat of the luggage area. 8A. Head hair collected from the right seat of the luggage area. 9. Head hair collected from the vehicle luggage area. 1D. Nail fragment collected in the floor in front of the driver - s seat. 2E. Nail fragment collected in the floor in front of the driver - s seat. 1B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back of the driver - s seat. 1C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom of the driver - s seat. 2C. Fibres and possible head hair from the back of the right front passenger - s seat. 2D. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom of the right front passenger - s seat. 4B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back in the left area of the back seat. 4C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom in the left area of the back seat. 5B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back in the middle area of the back seat. 5C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom in the middle area of the back seat. 6B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back in the right area of the back seat. 6C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom in the right area of the back seat. 7B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back of the left seat in the vehicle luggage area. 7C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom in the left area of the back seat. 8B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back of the right seat in the vehicle luggage area. 8C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom of the right seat in the vehicle luggage area. 11. Fibres and possible head hair in the rear shelf/luggage cover. 13. Pattern sample of the fabric covering the vehicle seats. Material identified during the inspection carried out by the specialist dog team: 10. Parts of the vehicle luggage area. 12. Vehicle ignition key. We also enclose mouth swabs and pattern samples taken from the clothes worn by the Portuguese fingerprint expert, Pedro Miguel Filipe Goncalo Vilhena, who drove the vehicle under examination, with a view to allowing for possible contamination screening. 14. Two mouth swabs from Pedro Miguel Filipe Goncalo Vilhena. 15. Pattern samples taken from the clothes worn by Pedro Miguel Filipe Goncalo Vilhena. Queries: As for trace evidence in the Delivery Note no. 286/207-CR/L is regarded, we request that: - the biological traces concerning items 1 to 20 be researched, and their nature and respective DNA profiles determined (if possible). - the blood traces concerning item 21 be researched, and their respective DNA profiles determined. As far as the trace evidence in the Delivery Note no. 286B/2007 - R/L is concerned, we hereby request that any biological evidence be researched, and its nature and respective DNA profiles determined (if possible). As for the trace evidence in the Delivery note no. 286A/2007-CR/L, we request that - The nature of biological trace evidence concerning items 1A to 15B be determined (if possible), as well as its respective DNA profiles. - The biological trace evidence regarding items 16 and 16B be researched, and its nature and respective DNA profiles determined (if possible). As regards the trace evidence in the Delivery Note no. 286C/2007-CR/L, we hereby request you to: - Determine whether head hair samples 1A, 2A, 2B, 3, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A, and 9, as well as occasional head hairs contained in items 1B, 1C, 2C, 2D, 4B, 4C, 5B, 5C, 6B, 6C, 7B, 7C, 8B, 8C, and 11 originate from ante mortem or post-mortem deposition - Determine its respective DNA profiles, as well and in case some of these samples are identified as belonging to the missing child, provide a toxicological research for any medicinal substances present therein - Determine the respective DNA profiles regarding items 1D and 2E - Research biological trace evidence concerning items 10 and 12, and determine (if possible) its biological nature and respective DNA profiles - Compare fibres present in items 1B, 1C, C, 2C, 4B, 4C, 5B, 5C, 6B, 6C, 7B, 7C, 8B, 8C, and 11 with the pyjamas items in the Delivery Note no. 397/2007-CR/L. taking into account the standard samples from the fabric covering the vehicle seats (items 13) and the vehicle driver - s clothing (items 15). We further request the DNA profile comparison concerning the English citizens that stayed in the apartment throughout 2007, where the above-referred sperm stain was found. - FAWKES, SIMON ANDREW - DAMBROSIO, CARLO - GORDON, PAUL ANTHONY With the DNA profile D3S1358 15-18 CSFIPO 10-11 HUMTHOI 9.3 Penta D 9 D21511 29-32.2 VWA 18 D18551 17-18 D8S1179 12-13 Penta E 7-8 TPOX 11 D5S818 12-13 Fibra 20-24 D13S317 12-14 D2SI338 18-25 D75820 10-12 D19S433 13-15 D16S539 11 Amelogemine XY Obtained by the INML, IP from a bedspread of a bed located next to the window of the children - s bedroom in Apartment 5A, block A, in the Ocean Club, tourist resort, Praia da Luz, Lagos, with the results obtained by this laboratory. At last, we request a reply as regards the previous queries concerning the collected mouth swabs from NEIL BERRY and RAJINDER RAJ SING BALU, as well as their DNA profiles comparisons with the results obtained in that laboratory, and also the comparison with the mitochondrial DNA profiles already submitted. Best Regards, Criminal Investigation Superior Coordinator Page 3590 Further to our previous message regarding dates and circumstances concerning the collection of the evidence to be examined in your laboratory, along with the enclosed queries, we further inform you that a pair of pyjamas will be later handed over (delivery note 397/2007-CR/L), similar to those Madeleine Beth McCann was wearing when she went missing. Best regards, Criminal Investigation Superior Coordinator 3933 Email from Paiva to Stuart Prior re: questions to ask the FSS 2007.10.31 The Forensic Science Service - Wetherby Laboratory, Sandbeck Way, Audby Lane, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS22 7DN Officer in case: Det Supt Prior Client: Leicestershire Police, New Parks Police reference: 07/06085 Qperation TASK Laboratory reference: Order reference: 300 555190 Scientist:400 913 609 Scientist: LESLEY DENTON Number of pages: 2 Re: Abduction of Madeleine McCann on 3rd May 2007 A DNA profile has been obtained from the reference samples of Kate HEALY (51162896) and Gerald McCANN (51162897). A DNA profile has also been obtained from a pillowcase (SJM/1). DNA profiling reveals a series of bands, half of which a child inherits from their natural mother (maternal) and half of which inherits from their natural father (paternal) In this case, all of the bands present in the prof - e of abtained from the pillowcase are represented in the combined profiles of Kate HEALY and Gerald McCANN. This is what I would expect to find if the profile obtained from the pillowcase originated from a natural child of theirs. The results of the DNA profile obtained from the pillowcase is approximately 29 million times more likely if the profile originates form a natural child of theirs rather than someone unrelated to them. In my opinion, the results detailed above provide extremely strong support for the view that the profile obtained from the pillowcase originated from a natural child of Kate HEALY and GERALD McCANN. Please note: I understand that the McCANN s have a second female child. It therefore remains a formal possibility that the DNA on the pillowcase could have originated from her as the genetics would be in keeping with those described above. If I can be of further assistance or you require a CJA statement please do not hesitate to contact me at the laboratory on 01937 548287. Lesley Anne Denton FORENSIC SCIENTISTS Date: 28 June 2007 FSS - The Forensic Science Service Destruction of Samples (Related Document: FSS-GP-050) Client reference: URN 07106085 Laboratory reference: 300 655 190 Investigating Officer: Det Supt Prior Order reference: 400 913 609 A - Perishable Samples Certain samples constitute a potential health risk. With the concurrence of the Home Office, it has been decided that such samples will not be submitted to the Courts unless specifically requested by the Defence (This is an extension of the procedures for the disposal of blood samples previously agreed by the Lord Chief Justice, the Director of Public Prosecutions and the former Chief Metropolitan Magistrate.) The Laboratory has examined one or more of the samples listed below. They will not be returned to you but will be destroyed in due course unless we are requested by the Defence to preserve them. You should notify the Defence Solicitors in accordance with Home Office Circulars 40/73 and 74/82, which allow a period of 21 days in which notice in writing must be given, by the defendant or his legal representative, to the laboratory to prevent the samples being destroyed. - Blood samples - Saliva samples - Swabs from body orifices - Other swabs bearing potentially hazardous material - Vomit, faeces, urine, etc The above list includes perishable personal samples, the destruction of which is required by Section 64 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, (1984). B - Non-Perishable Personal Samples The destruction of other, non-perishable, personal samples is required by Section 64 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, (1984). These include: - Control head hair samples - Control pubic hair samples - Finger nail samples - Casts, e. g. of teeth or feet Except as below these non-perishable, personal samples are returned to you as parts of exhibits for production at court etc. The laboratory is not responsible for their destruction. The part of these samples, which were removed for examination, will be retained by the laboratory for the period of time as specified in the Memorandum of Understanding for Retained Materials (3, 7 or 30 years) from the date of this notice to allow access to other legitimate parties. After this period, in the absence of written instruction to the contrary, the retained samples will be destroyed and a record made of their destruction. Date: 21 August 2007 FSS-GF-247, Page 1 of 1, Issue 4 300 to 326 Translation of FSS statement John Robert Lowe 2008.07.18 Witness deposition (Criminal Procedure Rules, r27.1 (1) Criminal Justice Act 1967, s.9 Magistrates Courts Act 1980, s.5B) Deposition of: JOHN ROBERT LOWE BSc CBiol MlBiol RFP Age: Older than 18 Profession of Witness: Forensic Scientist Address of Witness: Forensic Science Service Ltd. Birmingham Laboratory, Priory House, Gooch Street North, Birmingham, B5 6QQ With respect to: References FSS: 300 655 190 / 400 947 125 References Client: 07/06085, 201/07.0GALGS CJS URN: I declare that: This deposition (consisting of twenty two pages signed by me) corresponds to the truth, to the best of my knowledge, and I give it knowing that, if it is presented as evidence, I could be subject to lit: the target of penal action in the case I had deliberately declared something that I knew to be false or that I thought was not the truth I declare also that, I am expert in the area of forensic sciences and that I was asked to give a deposition. I confirm that I have read the directions guidance in the pamphlet Disclosure: Expert s evidence and unused material Divulgacao: provas periciais e material nao utilizado that specifies my functions and documents my responsibilities, with respect to the quality of the disclosure of an expert witness. I followed that guidance and understand the ongoing nature of my responsibilities in terms of disclosure. In accordance with my duties of disclosure, as documented in the guidance pamphlet, I: a. confirm that I complied with my duty to record, to conserve and to divulge material, in accordance with the Law relating to Investigations and the Penal Process, of 1996, as amended b. compiled an index of all the material. I assure that such index will be updated in the case additional material is delivered to me or comes forth emerges c. am advised that in the case my opinion changes relative to any determining decisive/conclusive question, I am obligated obliged to inform the person responsible for the investigation, as soon as possible, presenting him with my reasons. Signed: Signature appended Data: 18 Junho 2008 FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 1 Qualifications and Experience I have a degree in Sciences in the areas of Microbiology and Biochemistry. I am a Chartered Biologist Note: the highest status achievable by a professional biologist , a member of the Institute of Biology, a forensic doctor enrolled in the Order and a forensic scientist in the Birmingham Laboratory of the Forensic Science Service. My area of specialty is the examination of biological evidence including the analysis of spots of body fluid and the interpretation of DNA profile results. Based on the information furnished by the Leicestershire Constabulary and the Pol - ia Judiciaria, I was informed that, allegedly, on 3 May 2007 Madeleine McCann disappeared from apartment 5A, Ocean Club, na Praia da Luz, Lagos, Portugal. My examinations, interpretations and conclusions are in line with the statements of information available during the examination. In the case there are alterations relating to that information, I shall have to reconsider the conclusions that I drew in the light of the new circumstances. Additional information will have to be furnished prior to any trial. Receipt of the objects Some of the objects that were collected from apartment 5A and from a vehicle, Renault Scenic (matricula 59-DA-27), hired by Gerry e Kate McCann when they were in Portugal. Those objects were delivered to the Forensic Science Service(R) by the Police Science Laboratory. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 2 At the same time, reference samples from those Portuguese police officers who had been active in the crime scene were delivered. The Forensic Science Service(R) received the above objects on 7 August 2007, in sealed, secure packages. On 8 August 2007, the Forensic Science Service(R) received a piece of cloth/cotton wool (object MJN994) from Leicestershire Constabulary. That object was inside a sealed package. On 12 October 2007, the Forensic Science Service(R) received a blood spot in a cardboard frame (object JRB/1) from Leicestershire Constabulary. That object was inside a sealed package. Th objective of the laboratory examination was to examine the presented objects with respect to the presence of blood, cellular material and hair that may prove to be have been from Madeleine McCann or one or other member of her family, or from any of the Portuguese police who had been active working/present at the crime scene. Establishment of the DNA profile In this case two types of DNA analysis were used: the standard technique called SGM and a more precise one called Low Copy Number (LCN). FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 3 Both techniques look at the same regions of DNA, thereby allowing a comparison to be made between DNA profiles obtained through SGM with those obtained through LCN. Establishment of the DNA profile through SGM Plus DNA is a complex chemical found in almost every cell of the human body. It carries genetic information that determines the physical and chemical characteristics of a person. DNA analysis uses a technique in which specific regions areas are seen and copied (or amplified) many times. A DNA profile obtained from biological material, such as blood, semen, saliva or hair may be compared with a DNA profile obtained from a reference sample of any person. In the case that the DNA profile of the particular person is different from the DNA profile of the biological material, then that person is not the source of that material. If the profiles are equal match , then that person, together with other persons having the same DNA profile, may be considered as a potential source of the material. The significance import of a match may then be analysed in relation to the probability of obtaining that match by chance. Establishment of the DNA profile through LCN i) in this case, the protocols used on samples collected from a crime scene serve, essentially, to increase the precision of the chemical reactions in the establishment of the DNA profile and, consequently, to increase the possibility to detect extremely small quantities of DNA in a sample. This is achieved through increasing the number of amplification cycles. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 4 ii) These procedures to establish a DNA profile are applied in the laboratory when routine tests that require a minimum quantity of DNA to be extracted have proven to be, or are considered, inappropriate for successful analyses of a specific sample. This may have to be done with a small quantity of cellular material available for tests and/or due to the condition of the spot speck , that can affect the quality of DNA and its effective efficient amplification. iii) Increasing the number of amplification cycles has the effect of significantly increasing the sensitivity of the technique, such that, theoretically, only some a few cells are necessary for a successful analysis. The profiles generated in this way should must be interpreted in relation to the circumstances of the case and, in particular, to the possibility of detection of quantities of vestigial DNA originating from unknown sources. i v) A observacao de perfis STR mistos (isto e, de mais de um individuo) pode ser prevenida quando estas condicoes se verificam. TRANSLATOR S NOTE: This sentence can have several meanings. The literal translation is: to forewarn when those conditions from the previous paragraph, i. e. the possibility of unknown sources occur. We would need to see the actual English report written by Lowe to understand his intended meaning. Experimental data is available that permits a scientist to assess some questions relating to the transference and persistence of low-level DNA in objects and if they can be put together in whether they - the questions/assessments - are relevant to this case. Hence, consideration must be given to the manner in which the detected DNA was transferred to the object and, consequently, the relevance of the discovery of the corresponding DNA profiles to those individuals concerned. TRANSLATOR S NOTE: The entire paragraph above was fraught with difficulty, mainly because of its relevance and importance when we read several of Lowe s analyses later on in the report. The encountered difficulty raised the question in my mind as to whether the English-to-Portuguese translator, Lieve van Loock, simply converted written words - as I am attempting to do in reverse - or if (s)he actually had access to Lowe in order to question his intended meaning. If the former then (s)he, like me, was faced with the need to decide on an intended meaning before selecting the words to be written in the translation. In other words, I could be attempting to translate a mis-translation of the original English. Having said that, however, the above difficulty does not detract from the interpretation of what Lowe said in his individual analyses, as we shall see later. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 5 v) All the preparations of DNA were done in duplicate, conforming to procedure when protocols pertaining to increased sensitivity are applied. It this is required in order to attain reproducible results before the strips of DNA observed in the profiles will be considered as a true representation of the DNA present in this the sample. My interpretation(s), conclusions and methods of work took into account all of the above aspects. Alternatively: I was mindful of all the above aspects when performing my work, when making my interpretations, and drawing my conclusions. In the appendix at the end of this statement additional details are furnished about the procedures used in obtaining the DNA profiles. Analysis and Results I performed analyses in this case with the help of scientific support personnel. A list of those people was made in the Record register of Forensic Examination, which I present as object document JRL/FER/1a. A complete record of work performed, with notes made at the time of the work, exists under the reference 300 655 190. Those notes are available for verification examination in the laboratory, if required. Oral swabs of reference material CB/1 Gerald McCann CB/2 Kate McCann (nee Healy) SBM/2 Amelie McCann SBM/3 Sean McCann My colleague, Sarah Vraitch, furnished me with copies of reference DNA profiles of the above individuals. Each of the profiles was different from the others. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 6 14 Pedro Vilhena 286/2007CRL22 Fernando Viegas 286/2007CRL23 Lino Henriques 286/2007CRL24 Bruno Antunes The DNA profiles of these persons were obtained from their respective samples. The profiles were not only different from each other, they were different from those of the McCann family. Reference sample of blood JRB/1 Madeleine McCann From this sample was obtained a DNA reference sample that was different from those of her immediate family, described above. This DNA profile was the same as that obtained from possible spots of saliva existing on the pillowcase (SJM/1). Objects attributed to the motor vehicle Renault Scenic (matricula 59-DA-27) 286C/2007-CRL1 D Nail ( human hand) From this fragment of a nail from the finger of a human hand, a DNA result was obtained through the LCN technique which corresponded to Gerald McCann. In the same result an additional DNA component, unique and unconfirmed, was found that left no room for any other interpretation. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 7 286C/2007-CRL2E Nail (hand) From this fragment. a DNA result was obtained through the LCN technique which corresponded to Kate Healy. In the same DNA result were found two more DNA components, one of which was not confirmed these DNA components left no room for any other interpretation. 286C/2007-CRL10 Baggage compartment This object comprised two sections of the baggage compartment of the Renault Scenic, the first being a baggage compartment lined with fabric with ventilation holes (designated in the UK laboratory as CRL/10(1)) and, the second a moulded plastic extension (designated in the laboratory as CRL/10(2)). A mixed, low-level DNA result, appearing to be from at least three people, was obtained from the cellular material collected (harvested) from the baggage compartment lined with fabric (286C/2007-CRL/10(1)) of the motor vehicle. That sample was submitted to tests to obtain DNA profiles through the LCN technique. A DNA result through the LCN technique, which appeared to be from at least three persons, was obtained from the cellular material collected (harvested) from the baggage compartment lined with fabric (286C/2007-CRL/10(1)). In my opinion, this result is too complex to make a meaningful interpretation. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 8 The attempt to obtain a DNA profile from any cellular material collected from the plastic area on the baggage compartment (286C/2007-CRL /10(2)) was unfruitful fruitless, in vain, useless, unproductive, unsuccessful , because no DNA profile was obtained. A mixed, low-level DNA result, that appeared to be from at least two persons, was obtained from a second area of the baggage compartment plastic (286C/2007-CRL /10(2)). This sample was submitted for tests to obtain DNA profiles through LCN. A DNA result by complex LCN that appeared to be from at least three persons, was obtained from cellular material collected on the section of the baggage compartment 286C 2007 CRL10 (2) area 2. In my opinion, that result is too complex for a meaningful interpretation. An incomplete, low-level DNA profile that matched corresponding components in the profile of Gerald McCann was obtained from cellular material present on the card key - (286C/2007-CRL (12)). I guess this is the fob of the car-keys My colleague, Andrew Palmer, submitted various hair collected from the Renault Scenic for tests, using. LCN. Those hairs were designated as 7B hair 1 and 7C hairs 7, 13 e 15. Attempts to obtain a DNA profile of each hair by LCN was unfruitful, because no DNA profile was obtained by LCN, possibly due to there being an insufficient quantity of good quality DNA. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 9 Objects attributed to the Apartment 5A of the Ocean Club 286/2007-CRL (1) Pieces of floor-tile identified as number 1 A DNA result by LCN, that appeared to be from at least three persons and that was too complex for a meaningful interpretation, was obtained from the cellular material collected from these floor tiles. 286/2007-CRL (2) Pieces of floor-tile identified as number 2 An inconclusive, incomplete DNA result, consisting of only some unconfirmed DNA components, was obtained from the cellular material recovered from the edges of floor-tile 2 from the apartment floor. The attempt to obtain a DNA profile from any cellular material recovered from the larger area of floor-tile 2 was unfruitful, given that it was not possible to obtain any DNA profile. These samples were then subjected to LCN analysis. An incomplete, low-level DNA result was obtained through LCN from cellular material in an area of floor-tile 2. In my opinion, there is not any positive proof that supports the theory of any of the members of the McCann family to have contributed DNA to this result. A DNA result was obtained through LCN consistent with only one DNA component from a second area of floor-tile 2. In my opinion, this component leaves no room for any other interpretation. 286/2007-CRL (3) Pieces of floor-tile identified as number 3 The attempts to a DNA profile from any cellular material in two areas of this floor-tile were unfruitful, given that no DNA profile was obtained. These samples were submitted for LCN analysis. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 10 A DNA result that consisted of only some DNA components was obtained through LCN analysis of cellular material recovered from one area of floor-tile 3. In my opinion, this result left no room for any other interpretation. The attempt made the obtain a DNA profile through LCN from a second area of floor-tile 3 was unfruitful, given that no profile was obtained. 286/2007-CRL (4) Pieces of floor-tile identified as number 4 Low-level DNA results were obtained through LCN from cellular material present in swabs collected from these floor-tiles. In my opinion, this resuly contained information too meagre scanty/poor to permit a meaningful comparison. 286/2007-CRL (5) Pieces of floor-tile identified close to number 1 The attempt to obtain a DNA result through the LCN technique from some cellular material present in swabs collected from the marks spots 1, 2 and 3 were unfruitful, given that no DNA profile was obtained. 286/2007-CRL (6) Pieces of skirting board identified as number 1 A DNA result that appeared to be from at least three persons and that was too complex to permit a meaningful interpretation was obtained through LCN from these objects. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 11 286/2007-CRL (7) Pieces of skirting board identified as number 2 A DNA result that appeared to be from at least three persons and that was too complex to permit a meaningful interpretation was obtained through LCN from cellular material recovered from these objects. 286/2007-CRL (8) Pieces of skirting board identified as numbers 2 and 3 A DNA result that appeared to be from at least three persons and that was too complex to permit a meaningful interpretation was obtained through LCN from cellular material recovered from these objects. 286/2007-CRL (9) Pieces of skirting board identified as number 3 A DNA result that contained information too meagre to permit a meaningful interpretation was obtained through LCN from cellular material present in swabs collected from these objects. 286/2007-CRL (10) Pieces of skirting board identified as number 4 A DNA result that appeared to be from at least three persons and that was too complex to permit a meaningful interpretation was obtained through LCN from cellular material recovered from these objects. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 12 286/2007-CRL (11) Pieces of skirting board identified close to number 1 A DNA result that appeared to be from at least three persons and that was too complex to permit a meaningful interpretation was obtained through LCN from cellular material recovered from these objects. 286/2007-CRL (12) Pieces of skirting board identified close to number 4 Low-level DNA results were obtained through LCN from cellular material present in swabs collected from these objects. In my opinion, there exists no proof that supports the theory that any member of the McCann family had contributed DNA to these results. 286/2007-CRL (13) Residual/small fragments in the area of the skirting board. The attempt to obtain a result through LCN from any cellular material that may have been in these fragments was unfruitful, given that no profile was obtained, possibly due to the absence of sufficient good quality DNA. 286/2007-CRL (14) Dust/small fragments in the area of the floor tiles This object was not adequate to perform DNA profile tests. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 13 286/2007-CRL (15) Cement-glue grouting between the floor tiles The attempt to obtain a result through LCN from any cellular material that may have been in these fragments was unfruitful, given that no profile was obtained, possibly due to the absence of sufficient good quality DNA. 286/2007-CRL (16) Cement-glue grouting between the floor tiles identified as number 1 A DNA profile that did not match any of the five members of the McCann family was obtained through LCN from cellular material recovered in that area. 286/2007-CRL (17) Cement-glue grouting between the floor tiles identified as number 2 A DNA profile that appeared to be from at least two sources was obtained through LCN from cellular material recovered in that area. In my opinion, the major part of the profile matched that of Lino Henriques. Breaking departing from the principle, for it to have had a DNA contribution from Lino Henriques then the remaining information in the smaller part of the result is too meagre to permit a meaningful interpretation. 286/2007-CRL (18) Cement-glue grouting between the floor tiles identified as number 3 The attempt to obtain a result through LCN from any cellular material that may have been in these fragments was unfruitful, given that no profile was obtained, possibly due to the absence of sufficient good quality DNA. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 14 286/2007-CRL (19) Cement-glue grouting between the floor tiles identified as number 4 The attempt to obtain a result through LCN from any cellular material that may have been in these fragments was unfruitful, given that no profile was obtained, possibly due to the absence of sufficient good quality DNA. 286/2007-CRL (20) Fragments of floor tile and grouting The attempt to obtain a result through LCN from any cellular material that may have been in these fragments was unfruitful, given that no profile was obtained, possibly due to the absence of sufficient good quality DNA. 286/2007-CRL (21) Fragments of bush/shrubbery Insofar as it relates to this sample, the examination performed was aimed at the detection of the possible presence of blood, no trace thereof having been found. Particles from the superficial surface layer were recovered and preserved in a way similar to that of hairs and fibres. In my opinion, the capillary roots were not good quality as they were not adequate to perform DNA profile tests. 286/2007-CRL (22, 23 e 24) Oral swabs for elimination A new deposition to report the examination of these objects will be presented at a future time along with the DNA profiles obtained to date from all the DNA results relating to this case. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 15 286A/2007-CRL 1A B Swabs collected from the floor of the apartment An incomplete DNA result, apparently originating from a male individual but not matching any other profile obtained in this case, was obtained through LCN from the cellular material present in the combined swabs. 286A/2007-CRL 2A B Swabs collected from the floor of the apartment A mixed DNA result, apparently originating from at least two people, was obtained through LCN from the cellular material present in the combined swabs. In my opinion, there are no indications that justify confirm/prove the theory that any member of the McCann family had contributed DNA to this result. 286A/2007-CRL 3A B Swabs collected from the floor of the apartment An incomplete and weak DNA result comprising only some unconfirmed DNA components was obtained from the cellular material present in the dry swab (3A). The attempt to obtain a result from any cellular material that may have been in the same area and present in the wet swab (3B) was unfruitful, given that no profile was obtained. These samples were submitted for LCN tests. An incomplete DNA result was obtained through LCN from cellular material present in the swab (286A/2007 CRL 3A). The low-level DNA result showed very meagre information indicating more than one person. Departing from the principle that all confirmed DNA components within the scope of this result originated from a single source, then these pointed to corresponding components in the profile of Madeleine McCann however, if the DNA within the scope of this result originated from more than one person then the result could be explained as being DNA originating from a mixture of DNA from both Kate Healy and Gerald McCann, for example. DNA profiles established through LCN are extremely sensitive it is not possible to attribute this DNA profile to a particular body fluid. nor to determine how or when that DNA was transferred to that area. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 16 A low-level DNA result was obtained through LCN from the cellular material present in the swab (286A/2007 CRL 3B). In my opinion, there are no indications that justify confirm/prove the theory that any member of the McCann family had contributed DNA to this result. 286A/2007-CRL 4A B Swabs collected from the wall of the apartment An incomplete DNA result, apparently originating from a female individual, was obtained through LCN from the cellular material present in the combined swabs. In my opinion, there are no indications that justify confirm/prove the theory that any member of the McCann family had contributed DNA to this result. 286A/2007-CRL 5A B Swabs collected from the wall of the apartment A mixed DNA result, apparently originating from at least two persons, was obtained through LCN from the cellular material present in the combined swabs. In my opinion, there are no indications that justify confirm/prove the theory that any member of the McCann family had contributed DNA to this result. In my opinion, Fernando Viegas could have contributed DNA to this result. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 17 286A/2007-CRL 6A B Swabs collected from the wall of the apartment The DNA results obtained through LCN from cellular material present in these combined swabs contained information too meagre to permit a meaningful comparison. 286A/2007-CRL 7A B Swabs collected from the wall of the apartment A mixed DNA result, apparently originating from at least two persons, was obtained through LCN from the cellular material present in the combined swabs. In my opinion, there are no indications that justify confirm/prove the theory that any member of the McCann family had contributed DNA to this result. 286A/2007-CRL 8A B Swabs collected from the wall of the apartment The DNA results obtained through LCN from cellular material present in these combined swabs contained information too meagre to permit a meaningful comparison. 286A/2007-CRL 9A B. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 18 286A/2007-CRL 10A B Swabs collected from the wall of the apartment A mixed DNA result, apparently originating from at least two persons, was obtained through LCN from the cellular material present in the combined swabs. In my opinion, there are no indications that justify confirm/prove the theory that any member of the McCann family had contributed DNA to this result. 286A/2007-CRL 11A B Swabs collected from the wall of the apartment The attempt to obtain a DNA result through LCN from all and any cellular material recovered from these combined swabs was unfruitful, given that no profile was obtained, possibly due to the absence of sufficient good quality DNA. 286A/2007-CRL 12A B Swabs collected from the wall of the apartment A mixed DNA result, apparently originating from at least two persons, was obtained through LCN from the cellular material present in the combined swabs. In my opinion, there is no evidence that supports the theory that any member of the McCann family had contributed DNA to this result. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 19 286A/2007-CRL 13A B Swabs collected from the wall of the apartment The attempt to obtain a DNA result through LCN from all and any cellular material recovered from these combined swabs was unfruitful, given that no profile was obtained, possibly due to the absence of sufficient good quality DNA. 286A/2007-CRL 14A B Swabs collected from the rear of the sofa Weak and incomplete DNA results consisting only of some unconfirmed DNA components were obtained from the cellular material present in these wet and dry swabs. In my opinion the results are not adequate for comparison purposes. These samples were submitted for LCN analysis. A mixed, low-level DNA result was obtained through LCN from the cellular material present in each of the swabs. In my opinion, there are no conclusive indications that justify confirm/prove the theory that any member of the McCann family had contributed DNA to these results. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 20 286A/2007-CRL 15A B Swabs collected from the rear of the sofa A weak and incomplete DNA result showing indications as having come from more than one person was obtained from the cellular material present in dry swab (15A) effected on the rear of the sofa. In my opinion the result is not adequate for comparison purposes. These samples were submitted for LCN analysis. A DNA result, apparently originating from at least three persons of whom at least two were male and contributed the majority of the DNA, was obtained from the cellular material present in the wet swab (15B) effected on the rear of the sofa. In my opinion, there are no conclusive indications that justify the theory that any member of the McCann family had contributed DNA to this result. An incomplete, low-level DNA result, comprising only some DNA components, was obtained through LCN from the cellular material present in the dry swab (15A). In my opinion, there are no conclusive indications that justify the theory that any member of the McCann family had contributed DNA to this result. The wet swab (15B) was not submitted for further LCN anaysis. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 21 286A/2007-CRL 16 16B Two blue curtains and one white curtain 286B/2007-CRL 1 One white section of a curtain These curtains were analysed for traces of blood, semen and saliva, none of which were detected. The hem of one of the blue curtains (16) was swabbed to collect any cellular material that might exist. An incomplete, inconclusive DNA result consisting only of two unconfirmed DNA components was obtained. In my opinion the result is not adequate for comparison purposes. The sample was submitted for LCN analysis. An incomplete, low-level DNA result, comprising only some DNA components, was obtained through LCN from the cellular material recovered from the hem of one the curtains. In my opinion, this result contained information too meagre to permit a meaningful interpretation. Object attributed to Leicestershire Police HQ MJN/994 Cloth / piece of cotton wool The object consisted a plastic bag containing a piece of cloth around cotton wool which showed orange and brown spots. No blood was detected. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 22 Object sent to Mr Mrs McCann, Rothley, Leicester EMJ/53 Envelope The envelope flap was swabbed to recover any cellular material that might exist. An incomplete, low-level DNA result was obtained through LCN which, in my opinion, was too complex to permit meaningful interpretation. The attempt to obtain a DNA result through LCN from all and any cellular material that might have existed on the gum of the envelope was unfruitful, given that no DNA profile was obtained. In my opinion, the laboratory results that were attained did not help to clarify whether or not the DNA results obtained within the scope of this case were from Madeleine McCann. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 23 Basic information on the establishment of DNA profiles. DNA is a complex chemical that is found in the majority of cells in the human body, including cells in the blood, semen, saliva and hair roots. DNA carries genetic information that determines physical characteristics of a person and directs the processes involved in the functioning of an organism. This information exists in the form of a code, half of which is inherited from the father and half from the mother. Except for truly identical twins, the DNA of each person is unique, although the technology currently available today does not permit the analysis of all the differences between persons. The techniques used by FSS analyses specific regions of DNA known as short tandem repeats (STRs), that are known to be amply variable from individual to individual. The techniques of establishing DNA profiles can, therefore, be used to exclude, conclusively, one person as the donor of an unknown DNA source, and can, frequently, provide convincing indications in terms of participation contribution - , though not allowing, as yet, proof of identity. The establishment of DNA profiles (STR) uses the technique of DNA amplification, through which specific DNA regions are selected and copied many times. This increases the quantity of DNA available for analysis and means that a DNA profile can be obtained from samples in which the initial quantity or quality of DNA is not adequate for other methods of establishing profiles. In this way, DNA profiles are produced through amplification (copying) of eleven different areas of DNA. Ten of those areas contain STR. They are known as D3, VWA, D16, D2, D8, D21, D18, D19, THO1 and FGA. The eleventh, known as amelogenina, indicates the sex of the donor. The individual components of a DNA profile are represented by a series of peaks that can be measured, allowing them to be attributed a designation labelled - . One person will have two peaks in each STR, one inherited from each progenitor parent , unless the same STR has been inherited from both progenitors, in which case only one peak will be observed. If the DNA profiles relating to a stain, obtained from a crime scene , and that of a suspect reveal no differences, it is said that they match. The estimation of the amount of the level of proof of DNA profiles that match between, for example, a stain of body fluid and a suspect, consists of calculating the probability of obtaining the match if, in reality, the stain was not from the suspect, but was from another individual with the same DNA profile. That is known as the probability of correspondence matching . The probability of matching depends upon the level of kinship parental similarity existing between the suspect and another individual. True identical twins have the same profile. But, due to the random manner in which DNA from the two progenitors combine to form the descendant, the probability of two siblings presenting a match in all ten STR regions is, approximately, one in ten thousand (1 in 10,000). The more distant the relationship becomes between two persons, the more reduced becomes the probability of matching in all ten STR regions. For example, the probability of two first cousins having the same profile is of the order of one to one hundred million (1 to 100-million). Where there exists no clear indication that a relative close to the suspect is involved, it is common practice to indicate a probability of matching relative to an unknown person who has no kinship with the suspect. With a complete profile this probability of matching is of the order of one to one thousand million (1 to 1,000-million) or 1 to 1-billion using U. S. numbering . In the case of a partial profile being obtained, the probability of matching is calculated using reference databases tables that contain calculated proportions of each DNA profile component present in the general population. These estimates are then combined in a manner that permits compensation for possible associations between DNA components in order to establish the calculation of the probability of matching relating to the partial DNA profile. The calculations of probability of matching are done using three databases containing DNA profiles obtained previously from individuals of caucasian, afro-caribbean and asiatic descent of this country namely, U. K. When the racial origin of a person who left the biological material is not known, the result presented in the deposition will be the lowest of the results obtained. FSS-GF-679 Emissao 2, Pagina 24 to 26 Summary Total samples/tests in report 64 Sample incomplete 16 times DNA attempt 1xMBM Not tested 3 times WHY not Inadequate for testing 2 times Unmatched profile 1 time Why not followed up --------------------------------------- At least 2 people 10 times At least 3 people 11 times 327 to 336 Translation of FSS statement Andrew Lloyd Palmer 2007.11.09 327-333 Madeline s hair AL Palmer Outros Apensos 01 Volume 2 pages 327 to 336 pages 327 to 333 pdf 02 page 45-51 FSS Andrew Palmer Notes: is used for all other body hair. 3. Sometimes verb tenses swung from past to present and back again within a paragraph, and to the future in one case. As far as possible, I tried to be faithful to the verb tenses as written. Witness deposition: Andrew Lloyd Palmer Age: Older than 18 years Profession: Forensic scientist Address: FSS References: FSS: 300655190, 400972691 Client: Operation TASK CJS/URN: 07/06085 I declare that: This deposition (comprising five pages signed by me) is the truth, to the best of my knowledge, and that I give it knowing that, if it should be presented as evidence, I would be subject to legal penalty should I have declared anything that I know to be false or that I think is not true I declare also that, I am expert in the field of forensic sciences and that I was asked to give a deposition. I confirm that I have read the guidelines contained in the document Disclosure: Expert s evidence and unused material, that specifies my functions and documents my responsibilities, with respect to disclosure as an expert witness. - - - - - - - - - - - I have followed directions guidance - and understand the ongoing nature of my responsibilities in respect of disclosure. In accordance with my duties of disclosure, as documented in the booklet of directions standards and procedures manual - , I: a. confirm that I have performed my duties to record, conserve and disclose material, in accordance with the Law relating to Investigations and Penal Process of 1996, as amended b. have compiled an index of all the material. I assure that such index will be updated should further material be delivered to me or should I, myself, produce any further material c. understand that, should I come to alter my understanding relating to any conclusion, I am bound to communicate that as soon as possible to the head of the investigation, presenting him with my reasons for such a change . TRANSLATOR S NOTE: While the above is a reasonable translation of the Portuguese provided in the document, it must not be taken to be a wholly accurate statement of the legal oath actually signed by A. L.Palmer. Signed 9 November 2007 Qualifications and experience I am a qualified Chartered Biologist Footnote 6 states: The highest professional level achievable and a member of the Biological Institute. I have 25 years experience as a forensic scientist. During this period I have examined hundreds of objects in the detection of blood, semen, saliva, fibres, hair, down and other trace material derived from human contact. I have been present at many crime scenes, having given technical opinions in various cases involving the detection of blood and the interpretation of samples of blood spots/specks. I have drafted reports and have given depositions in numerous cases of homicide, sexual violence and other cases involving the transfer of body fluids and the interpretation of the results of DNA profiles. I am a forensic - doctor/practitioner -. registered with the Order presumably of Forensic Medicine . specialising in DNA analysis, body fluids, capillary distribution system of blood flow around the human body , down, hair and fibres. Laboratory reference The lab reference of this case is 300655190 Objects received According to the lab records of 7 August and 6 September 2007 the objects referred to in this report entered the FSS laboratory in Birmingham, having been remitted by the Police Science Laboratory of Portugal and by the Leicestershire (UK) Police, respectively. Objective The objective of my examination was to determine if down or hair was recovered from the Renault Scenic 59-DA-27 and, if affirmative, to determine if those may have come from Madeleine McCann. Mobilisation of scientific support people The examination of the objects in this case was done with the assistance of scientific support people. A list of those people, together with a brief description of the work that each performed, is in the Forensic Examination Record/Register, which I present as exhibit ALP/1. It is a complete record of all work done, together with notes made during the examination. These notes are available in the lab for verification, if necessary. Examination and results Reference objects I received obtained information from the pillow-case SJM/1, the tops SJM2, 4 and 5, and the hairbrush SJM/36 belonging to Madeleine McCann or used by her. The hair found on these objects was used in substitution of in place of reference samples of her hair, which were not considered to be authentic samples of her hair. No hair was recovered from the pillow-case SJM/1 nor the hairbrush SJM/36. A total number of twelve 12 hairs or hair fragments were recovered from the tops SJM/2, SJM/4 and SJM/5. All of these appeared to be hair and not down, being mainly blonde in colour. One of the hairs was brown and distinctly darker than the other hairs, suggesting, at the least, that this was a hair from someone else. The remaining eleven hairs/fragments varied in length from 4 millimetres to 45 millimetres 1,3/4 . I could not conclude that all hairs were from the same person. If they had been from Madeleine McCann, then they are not representative/typical/characteristic of a sample of her hair, given the length of that seen in photographs of her. Objects from the Renault Scenic - licence plate 59-DA-27 The following objects recovered from the scenic were subjected to examination: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 3, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7A, 7B, 7C, 8A, 8B, 8C, 9 and 11 (2 objects). There were more than two hundred hairs, down or fragments of hair and down. The majority appeared to be different from the blonde reference hairs recovered from SJM2, 4 and 5. Furthermore, no blonde hair consistent with that seen in photographs of Madeleine McCann was found. Approximately 15 hairs, down or fragments were blonde and fair, presenting a similarity with the reference material. All were of insufficient length to make a solid definitive comparison. Furthermore, they are too short to do mitocondrial DNA tests. Folicle root material is insufficient for standard DNA tests. Four hairs - one from 7B and three from 7C - were sent for Low Copy Number DNA testing. The results of those tests will be presented by my colleague John Lowe. Conclusion In the objects recovered from the Scenic, there were around 15 blonde/fair hairs similar to the reference hairs from SJM2, 4 and 5. However, as it was not possible to do solid definitive or significant forensically meaningful tests it is not possible for me to determine if, or not, these could have been from Madeleine McCann. The conclusions expressed in the present deposition are based on information available at the date of the examination. In the case that there are changes to that information, or additional information becomes available, it may be necessary to reconsider my interpretation and conclusions. That re-evaluation will be most effective when done immediately prior to any judgement. Translated by Lieve Van Loock. END OF DEPOSITION Report of Examinations referred to in a Case Study This is a report about the results obtained within the scope of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann as compiled by JOHN ROBERT LOWE BSc Cbiol MlBiol RFP. Forensic Science Service Ltd. Birmingham Laboratory, Priory House, Gooch Street North, Birmingham, B5 6QQ The report comprises two pages and talks about work performed within the scope of of the case file with the following reference: Referencias FSS: 300 655 1 90 / 401 020 769 Referencia Cliente: OP TASK Date: 6 Maio 2008 The true information in this report talks about examinations referring to a case study done within the scope of the case file noted above. The respective results obtained were recorded and conserved in conformance with the guidance in the pamphlet called Disclosure: Expert s evidence and unused material. The true information in this report is not intended to serve as probatory material. Should this report or any of the information contained herein be called for presentation against a defence it is understood that it would be necessary to give a covering deposition under terms of sections 9 and 10 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967. Dear Detective Superintendent Prior, This information is exclusive, confidential and constitutes a response to the supplementary request contained in the recent Rogatory Letter from the Portuguese authorities. FSS-GF-680 Emissao 2, Pagina 1 On 9 April 2008, the DNA profiles obtained from the probatory components objects 286A/2007/CRL1A B were submitted with a request to the National DNA Database(R). Various matches were obtained with the results of 286A/2007/CRL4A 90374723). Those profiles were obtained using the old SGM system which examined only six areas of DNA. For this reason the samples should be upgraded re-tested using the new standard system SGMplus. It is likely that those samples would be eliminated after the upgrade. Various matches were obtained with the results of 286A/2007/CRL9A however, one remains (namely, bar code 80004801). It has matched with a sample of a spot recovered from a crime and cannot, at this time, be associated with a specific individual. Nevertheless, as that sample was processed with the old SGM system I consider the match to be of negligible significance. All matches obtained from other samples were eliminated. If you wish for more support with this material, don t hesitate to contact me. Signature John Lowe Translation performed by Lieve Van Loock: Carta Rogatoria-Home OfficeIV. pdf FSS - Forensic Science Service Ltd REPORT OF EXAMINATION This is the report of the results for the disappearance of Madeleine compiled by John McCann BSc ROBERT LOWE Cbiol MIBiol RFP Forensic Science Service Ltd Birmingham Laboratory, Priory House, Gooch Street North, Birmingham, B5 6QQ Tel 0121 607 6973 e-mail: john. This report consists of three pages and relates the work carried out in the following case Reference FSS: 300 655 190 / 401 020 769 Reference Customer: Task Operational Date: May 22, 2008 The information provided in this report is the result of examination work done in the case referenced above. The findings and results of the examination were recorded and retained in accordance with the manual described as Disclosure (Revelation): Evidence of experts and material not used. The information contained in this report is not intended to be used as evidence, and it is agreed that if this report or any information contained therein will be used as defence evidence it will be necessary for me to provide a statement under s9 or s10 CJA 1967 The purpose of this report is to summarize the results of several information searches conducted using the National DNA Database and the use of a control database. The LCN DNA profile previously obtained from the following submitted data were subjected to a single search of the National DNA Database. 286A/2007/CRL1A B Numerous similarities were returned by the National DNA Database for the DNA profile obtained from 286A/2007/CRL4A B. Numerous similarities were sent returned by the National DNA Database for the DNA obtained from 286A/2007/CRL9A B, however, I used additional information in results that was not included in the search parameters to eliminate those similarities. Numerous similarities were sent returned by the National DNA Database for the DNA profile obtained from 286A/2007/CRL16A B, however, I used additional information in the results that was not included in the search parameters to eliminate those similarities. For information only, a database of voluntary samples was constructed for the purpose of control information. In accordance with available records, the database comprised samples from 286 volunteers, four of which were rejected. The DNA profiles from volunteers were compared with the following samples: 286A/2007/CRL1A B The voluntary samples were also compared with crime stain 1 , a DNA profile obtained by Portuguese scientists using their DNA profile system. The profile was recovered from suspected semen on a blanket in the apartment 5. From the available records, I conclude that 281 voluntary samples were eliminated as contributors of DNA to the list of search profiles above, since its profile does not match the profile sought consequently, the DNA can not have originated from them. I conclude further that, the DNA profiles obtained from the crime stain 1 and 286A/2007/CRL9A B coincide with Charlie Gordon (bar code 51156964). I believe that Charlie Gordon was born on 29 January 2005, and if this is the case, in my opinion, the DNA profile obtained in crime stain 1 is not the result of semen found on the blanket. If more information is needed in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Usted está siendo dirigido a ZacksTrade, una división de LBMZ Securities y agente de bolsa con licencia. ZacksTrade y Zacks son compañías separadas. 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As you might remember from your school days, an A, is better than a B a B is better than a C a C is better than a D and a D is better than an F. As an investor, you want to buy stocks with the highest probability of success. That means you want to buy stocks with a Zacks Rank 1 or 2, Strong Buy or Buy, which also has a Score of an A or a B in your personal trading style. Zacks Style Scores Education - Learn more about the Zacks Style Scores The Zacks Industry Rank assigns a rating to each of the 265 X (Expanded) Industries based on their average Zacks Rank. An industry with a larger percentage of Zacks Rank 1 s and 2 s will have a better average Zacks Rank than one with a larger percentage of Zacks Rank 4 s and 5 s. The industry with the best average Zacks Rank would be considered the top industry (1 out of 265), which would place it in the top 1 of Zacks Ranked Industries. The industry with the worst average Zacks Rank (265 out of 265) would place in the bottom 1 . 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In addition to all of the proprietary analysis in the Snapshot, the report also visually displays the four components of the Zacks Rank (Agreement, Magnitude, Upside and Surprise) provides a comprehensive overview of the company business drivers, complete with earnings and sales charts a recap of their last earnings report and a bulleted list of reasons to buy or sell the stock. It also includes an industry comparison table to see how your stock compares to its expanded industry, and the S P 500. Researching stocks has never been so easy or insightful as with the ZER Analyst and Snapshot reports. ( Change in last 30 days) Premium Research: Industry Analysis The Zacks Equity Research reports . or ZER for short, are our in-house, independently produced research reports. The ever popular one-page Snapshot reports are generated for virtually every single Zacks Ranked stock. It s packed with all of the company s key stats and salient decision making information. Including the Zacks Rank, Zacks Industry Rank, Style Scores, the Price, Consensus Surprise chart, graphical estimate analysis and how a stocks stacks up to its peers. The detailed multi-page Analyst report does an even deeper dive on the company s vital statistics. In addition to all of the proprietary analysis in the Snapshot, the report also visually displays the four components of the Zacks Rank (Agreement, Magnitude, Upside and Surprise) provides a comprehensive overview of the company business drivers, complete with earnings and sales charts a recap of their last earnings report and a bulleted list of reasons to buy or sell the stock. It also includes an industry comparison table to see how your stock compares to its expanded industry, and the S P 500. Researching stocks has never been so easy or insightful as with the ZER Analyst and Snapshot reports. Chart for FSS Other News for FSS 07/14/16-3:09PM EST PR Newswire 07/05/16-6:01AM EST Seeking Alpha 06/03/16-12:14PM EST PR Newswire 06/03/16-9:16AM EST Seeking Alpha 05/25/16-7:30AM EST Seeking Alpha Company Summary Federal Signal Corporation is a manufacturer and worldwide supplier of safety, signaling and communications equipment, hazardous area lighting, fire rescue products, street sweeping and vacuum loader vehicles, parking control equipment, custom on-premise signage, carbide cutting tools, precision punches and related die components. Quick Links Services My Account Resources Client Support Follow Us Zacks Research is Reported On: Zacks Investment Research is an A Rated BBB Accredited Business. Copyright 2016 Zacks Investment Research En el centro de todo lo que hacemos es un fuerte compromiso con la investigación independiente y compartir sus descubrimientos provechosos con los inversores. Esta dedicación a dar a los inversores una ventaja comercial llevó a la creación de nuestro probado Zacks Rank sistema de clasificación de valores. Desde 1988 casi triplicó el S P 500 con una ganancia media de 26 por año. These returns cover a period from 1988-2015 and were examined and attested by Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP, an independent accounting firm. Visite el rendimiento para obtener información sobre los números de rendimiento mostrados anteriormente. Visite zacksdata para obtener nuestros datos y contenido para su aplicación o sitio web para dispositivos móviles. Precios en tiempo real de BATS. Citas diferidas de Sungard. Los datos de NYSE y AMEX tienen al menos 20 minutos de retraso. Los datos de NASDAQ tienen al menos 15 minutos de retraso.

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